Sunday Morning Bible Study
Our Sunday morning Bible study starts at 9:15 a.m.
We have a group for every age, so the whole family can come at the same time.
Please feel free to visit any of the adult groups to see what fits you best!
Babies -- Nursery
Toddlers -- Room 103
Preschool & Kinder -- Room 104
Grades 1-3 -- Room 102
Grades 4-6 -- Room 101
Students (Grades 7-12) -- Youth Room
Life Ventures (Co-ed 50s-70s)- Room 110
Visionaries (Ladies 60+)- Room 112
Giddy Up Eunice (Ladies)- Room 111
Explore the Bible (Co-ed Adults)- Room 105
Here is a floor plan of the church so you can find your group!