The Guy Behind the Scenes
In this week’s sermon we continue our series “Yes, You” as we look at the little known character of John-Mark in the New Testament. Though John Mark doesn’t get a…
Pray First Pray Often
Real prayer is the key that unlocks all of the other things we need in order to outlive our lives.
Read MoreBreaking Down Walls
In His flesh He tore down the wall of separation. Why would we keep trying to rebuild it?
Read MoreBusy Hands and Quiet Lips
To outlive your life, do good for the right reasons, the right rewards, and the right results.
Read MoreOpen Eyes and Open Hands
In order to outlive your life, live with open eyes to see the needs of others, and open hands to help meet those needs.
Team Up To Outlive Your Life
We were created to connect, and we need each other.
Read MorePeople Who Outlive Their Lives
People who outlive their lives are regular folks who are prepared by God to intentionally live in ways that bring God glory.
Happy Birthday
Pentecost is the birthday of the church. The Holy Spirit of God brought the church to life and continues to empowers us today.
The Power of Team
Bible Text: Acts 2:42-47 | Preacher: John Crowder | Series: IMPACT This is the 4th message in the “IMPACT” series. We can have a bigger impact on our community when…