Healing Waters
In this week’s sermon, we look at three different stories and three different responses of obedience to God’s instruction, all having to do with God’s healing power through water. We…
Living Water
In this week’s sermon, we start a new series called “Come to the Water.” In said series, we will spend the Summer looking at different stories and ways in which…
Easter Sunday 2024
How do I know he lives? Because he lives in me.
Read MoreJourney to the Cross- Will you Really?
“We aren’t Christians because of what we proclaim, we’re Christians because of what we practice.- Francis Bacon”
“It is not what we profess, but what we practice that makes us Christian (Via Francis Bacon).”
Read MoreJourney to the Cross: An Unexpected Miracle
Instead of let go and let God, how about let God and let’s go.
Read MoreDNow 2024 Recap
That church doesn’t exist. I would be a part of that church.
Read MoreGod’s Family
Because of the resurrection, we can be adopted into God’s family. Being a part of His family helps us live out our faith.
Bread of Life
In this week’s message, Jesus used bread to teach us to look beyond our natural experience to see a deeper spiritual reality.
Here is Jesus
Our Youth Pastor Robert Hillier takes us to the well in John 4 where we meet the woman whose life was changed when she found Jesus there. The same Jesus…