A Cup of Water
In this week’s sermon we continue our series on the usage of water in Scripture as we look at Jesus’ teaching on kindness and service to one another, as he…
The Water Walkway
Storms are for either correction, or purification.
Read MoreIt Begins at the River
As we continue our sermon series “Come to the Water,” we look at Jesus’ baptism in Matthew 3. We use this as a template for how we begin discipleship to…
Journey to the Cross- Hosanna
As we finish our series “Journey to the Cross” leading up to Good Friday and Easter, we look at Jesus’ triumphal entry in Jerusalem and all of Jesus’ qualities and…
Journey to the Cross: In the Garden
“A proud prayer never makes its way to Heaven.”
Read MoreThe Way of Wisdom
As we wrap up our sermon series on The Sermon on the Mount, we look at was Jesus says our foundation should be and how that coincides with having wisdom…
The Way of the Unworthy
In this week’s sermon we approach our second to last section on the Sermon on the Mount. In this we talk about what it takes to get into Heaven, and…
The Way of Truth
In this week’s sermon we continue our series in The Sermon on the Mount. We cover the idea of false teachers and how to discern between true and false teaching.
The Narrow Way
In this week’s sermon we continue our series “The Way” through the Sermon on the Mount as we now discuss the wide and narrow gates that one can enter.
The Golden Way
In continuing our sermon series “The Way” through the Sermon on the Mount, we get to Jesus’ teaching on what we often refer to as the golden rule. In this…