Please complete a registration form for each child Children's Ministry Registration Fields marked with an * are required Please complete a form for each child Divider Child's First Name * Child's Last Name * Birth Date * Gender * Male Female School * Age/Grade * Infant to 24 months 3 years old 4 years old Pre-K Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th List known allergies and conditions I give consent to use child's photo or videos for FBC West Kids Ministry Divider Parent/Guardian First & Last Name * Parent/Guardian Phone Number * Parent/Guardian Email * Mailing Address * Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Phone Number Parent/Guardian Email Divider Emergency Contact Name * Emergency Contact Phone Number * Divider I authorize the following individuals to pick up my child (List name & phone numbers) Divider I would like to enroll my child in: * Sunday Bible Study (9 am) Children's Church (Sundays 10:15 am) Wednesday Bible Study (7 pm) I am interested in volunteering in the following Children's Ministry class: Sunday Bible Study (9 am) Children's Church (Sunday 10:15 am) Wednesday Bible Study (7 pm) Divider Is there any additional information you feel we should know? Divider If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.