The people of God fund the work of God for the glory of God.
Giving to the church is not just about paying the bills, it’s about investing in Kingdom work. The amazing thing is that God allows His people to be the means by which He funds His own work, and He provides His people with all they need to live out that exciting opportunity.
Deuteronomy 8:18a tells us to “Remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth…” (NIV).
Five Ways to Give
During Worship
On Sundays, we put the offering plates in the foyer. That makes it convenient for you to discreetly put your offering in the plates as you come or go to worship.
Text to Give
You can text any dollar amount to 84321. The first time you text that number, you will answer some simple registration questions and pick FBC West as the church to which you are giving.
Give Online
You can give right here and now, just by clicking the link below.
Mail a Check
If you prefer to use a check, you can either drop it in the offering plate on Sunday morning or mail it to:
FBC West
501 N. Marable
West, TX 76691

Church Center App
The easiest way to give is through our new "Church Center" app. You can download it for free from the Apple store or Google Play. In that app you will be able to give and track your donations, join groups, and even update your own contact info so we can always stay in touch!
Once you download the app and open it the first time it will help you find our church and get things set up. That process will even be easier if you have the location services on your device turned ON.
Benefits to digital giving
Giving during church on Sundays can be a meaningful experience of sacrifice and worship, but there are some real benefits to giving online as well:
- You can give when you want to, regardless of day or time. You can even give while traveling.
- You can give via check, credit card or debit card.
- You can set up "recurring giving" which means that you can set the amount you want to donate, and it will happen automatically each month.
- You can login to your giving account and track your donations for the year.
You can invest in the Kingdom by giving at other times and in other ways as well. For example, you might remember the church when doing your estate planning or consider leaving a legacy gift to the church. In that way, your ministry will outlive you.
When you give through FBC West, you allow us to partner with you in doing the work God has called us to do, and we are grateful for that opportunity. Thank you for financially supporting the ministries of FBC West!