Young Adults (1280 × 720 px)

Young Adult Class


Our young adult class is geared for people out of high school into their early 30s. Attendants range from college students to young professionals in the work place. People in this age range and in all seasons of life are welcome in this class!



Ronnie & Darin Gilbreath

Ronnie and Darin are originally from California, but now call Central Texas home. The Gilbreaths are fantastic servants of the Lord love serving his church in any way possible!

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Elon Hillier

Elon is from Pflugerville Texas and now lives in Waco. She works as a nurse on the in-patient rehab floor. She and her husband, Robert, enjoy watching sunsets and playing with their sweet, but dumb pit-mix, Luna. Elon loves growing closer to God through Bible study and doing so in the Young Adult class!


For more information on the Young Adult class or to get involved click here