Because of Joy
As surprising as it sounds, Jesus stayed on the cross because of the “joy set before Him.”
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It was not the nails that held Jesus on the cross. It was His love, and His humility. He died in humble obedience to the Father.
Because of Love
In this first sermon of the series we learn it was not the nails that held Jesus to the cross, but God’s love for us.
Bread of Life
In this week’s message, Jesus used bread to teach us to look beyond our natural experience to see a deeper spiritual reality.
Here is Jesus
Our Youth Pastor Robert Hillier takes us to the well in John 4 where we meet the woman whose life was changed when she found Jesus there. The same Jesus…
You Must Be Born Again
In this message we take a fresh look at John 3 and discover what it really means to be “born again.”
Water to Wine
In this message we take a in-depth look at the first miracle Jesus performed when he began His public ministry.
Getting to Know Jesus
In this first sermon of the series, we begin getting to know Jesus better by studying the Gospel of John.
Lifted Up
Jesus knew that when He was crucified, He would draw all of us to Himself.
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