The Power of Gratitude
In this week’s sermon in our Thanksgiving series “How to be Thankful,” we look at 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18. Within this we talk about the need for always rejoicing and being…
Standing Firm in Christian Fellowship
In this week’s sermon as conclude our series on 1 Thessalonians, we discuss how find God’s will, stay in communion with him, and stay focused on him.
Standing Firm in Holiness
In this week’s sermon we discuss how to practice holiness and how to stand firm in it. 1 Thessalonians 4 shows us the importance of walking with God and continuing…
Standing Firm in Everyday Life
Standing Firm in Suffering
One day he will lean down with that almighty hand and flick that last tear away, and there will never be another.
Standing Firm in Faith
“Either your faith changes you, or you need to change your faith.”
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