Make Room for Jesus
In this week’s sermon we look at the idea of making room for Jesus. This comes from Isaiah’s prophecy that they would have to physically make room for Jesus when…
Streams in the Desert
In this week’s sermon we continue our Summer series about the Bible’s exploration and relationship to water. We look at Isaiah 43 and how in the worst and “driest” of…
Gift of Love
In this week’s sermon we look at love in the third week of Advent. We see how this is God’s gift and the necessity of God’s love to receive said…
Through Flames and Floods
This message was part of a service that is usually held outdoors on the Sunday following April 17. Our traditional “Outdoor Service” commemorates the Sunday we HAD to meet outdoors…
Ebenezer & Fetter
These weird words remind us how far God has brought us and how we can depend on Him to get us the rest of the way Home.
A New Thing
Our baggage ties us to our past. When we finally let go of the baggage, we are free to move on to the new things God has in store for…
Old Words for New Times
In the words of the prophets we find great hope for the days ahead.
Read MoreLessons I’ve Learned from a Sabbatical
“Sometimes the most important thing we can do is nothing.”
Read MorePeace
Bible Text: Isaiah 9:6 | Preacher: Todd Ewing | Series: Advent 19
Read MoreGod With Us Brings Hope
Bible Text: Isaiah 7, Isaiah 9 | Preacher: John Crowder | Series: God With Us | On this first Sunday of Advent we celebrated the hope that we can have…